Sept. 28, 2023 Help available for DAF Airmen, Guardians, civilians in event of lapse in appropriations Assistance to reduce potential impacts in the event of a government shutdown on Airmen, Guardians, civilians, and their families is available through various means.
Sept. 14, 2020 How to Buy Back Military Time Eligible military service time can be added to a federal employee’s retirement date. This action is called a military deposit under the Federal Employee Retirement System, or better known as “buying back” military time.
Dec. 12, 2019 Changes to VA-guaranteed home loans to take effect soon Beginning January 1, 2020, the VA Funding Fee will increase for some Veterans, however, the effective 'cap' on VA no-down payment loans will be eliminated, according to the Veterans Affairs website.
July 12, 2018 DoD Announces Policy Change on Transfer of Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits The Department of Defense issued a substantive change today to its policy on the transfer by service members in the uniformed services of Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits to eligible family member recipients.