442d Fighter Wing recognized Published Oct. 8, 2015 By Col. Brian K. Borgen 442d Fighter Wing Vice Commander WHITEMAN AFB, MIssouri -- 442 FW Warriors, Congratulations - Our wing won the 2014 Air Force Outstanding Unit Award! The entire 442d Fighter Wing has been recognized for this prestigious award. AFRC selected us based on our ability to maximize mission effectiveness, develop Airmen and, among many significant highlights, the success of nearly five thousand sorties flown in 2014. This award is not limited to those who deployed by any measure. It speaks to the excellence of those who provided relentless support for each and every Airman who served in the 442d Fighter Wing during 2013-2014 at home and in theater - encompassing close to 1,700 Airmen! I want to thank all of you for your dedicated, mission oriented focus on excellence. Wings don't earn these awards unless they are an unparalleled team. Congratulations on your accomplishment! You all earned this AFOUA ribbon and are authorized to wear it with pride. As General Kelly, the 455 Air Expeditionary Wing Commander in Afghanistan, stated "Our forces had no better friend... The Taliban had no worse enemy."