Commander's Thanksgiving Message

  • Published
  • By Col. Brian K. Borgen
  • 442d Fighter Wing
All 442d Warriors,

It's time, once again, to remember all of the things for which we're thankful for in our lives. As 442 FW members, we are privileged to be part of the greatest combat organization, in the greatest Air Force in the world, and you ALL have proven this consistently throughout the years.

I want to pause and reflect on the things for which I am most grateful. I'm thankful for a maintenance team that consistently keeps 40-year-old machines in perfect fighting condition, serving up combat-ready aircraft whenever and wherever they're needed around the world. I'm thankful for a team of ATTACK pilots who expertly employ them to bring the fight to the enemy. I'm extremely grateful for the medics, cooks, defenders, comptrollers, comm specialists, LRS, CE, admin support across the wing and a wing staff that keep our world functioning like clockwork on a daily basis.

I'm thankful for each and every one of the 1341 Airmen in this incredible wing, because without you, friendlies would perish and the deserving would go unpunished.

I hope all of you have an awesome Thanksgiving holiday. Eat like you're 16, watch a lot of football, and enjoy your family and friends.

Mary and I wish you all the very best.

