Airman & Family Readiness teams with area high school to provide Christmas Store

  • Published
  • By Capt. Denise Haeussler and Tech. Sgt. Robert Jennings
  • 442d Fighter Wing Public Affairs
Over the December UTA, the 442d Airman & Family Readiness Center hosted their annual Christmas store. Organized by Master Sgt. Robin Smith, the store provided free gifts for deserving airmen.

Donations came in from a number of organizations, including a selection of business suits from Men's Warehouse. But the majority of items were provided by two students from North Andrew High School in Rosendale, MO.

Inspired by the Air Force career of their now-retired physical education coach, and needing a community service project for their Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter, senior Brooke Gragg and her sister Mariah, a junior, chose to bring Christmas to the Airmen of the 442d.

With the help of Senior Airman Matt McDonald of the 442d Security Forces Squadron, the Graggs set up a toy drive at their school, hosted a silent auction, and arranged for the girls' basketball jamboree to accept donated toys as the price of admission.  In addition to the suits and toys, the store also carried ladies' clothes and shoes, books, CDs, diapers, and a few household items.

The store also held a drawing for a Christmas dinner basket, which held a ham, some canned vegetables, and even the makings of a pumpkin pie. The basket went to Senior Airman Brandon Graves of the 442d MXS Ammo flight.

Brooke will graduate this year, and so isn't likely to be back for next year's Christmas store, but as the girls were escorted out by proud parents, Mariah proclaimed that she plans to "so outdo" her sister next year.