IRS Form 1095 – Why is it in myPay?

  • Published
  • By 442d Fighter Wing Public Affairs
You may have noticed in myPay that there is another form under Taxes, the IRS Form 1095. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law 23 March 2010.  The ACA enacted many changes to health care availability for employees and many reporting requirements of employers.  Under the ACA U.S. citizens and legal residents are required to obtain and maintain a minimum standard of health care insurance, called minimum essential coverage.  For 2015 taxpayers are required to prove that they have obtained the minimum essential coverage, TRICARE qualifies for this coverage.  The proof of minimum essential coverage will be provided by the Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Form 1095: Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage.  Each member of our Air Force team will need to have the IRS Form 1095 to file their taxes in 2016; Active Duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Retiree and Civilian.
In January 2016 Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) is required to provide each employee with the IRS Form 1095 for employment during 2015.  A hardcopy form is scheduled to be mailed to each employee; the form will also be available electronically through myPay under the Taxes section. 

To ensure secure delivery, protect your personally identifiable information from being lost in the mail, save taxpayer dollars associated with printing and mailing forms, and to reduce associated environmental impacts, Air Force members are highly encouraged to access myPay and opt to receive forms exclusively via electronic means.