International Junior Officer Development Course available Published Jan. 6, 2016 By Cindy Dewey ARPC Public Affairs BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- CY16A Reserve School Selection Board has added the International Junior Officer Development Course (IJOLD) availability as of Dec. 29, 2015. The HQ ARPC application deadline will be extended, for this course only, to 4:30 p.m. (Mountain Time), Jan. 18, 2016. The current deadline for all other courses remains 4:30 p.m. MT, Jan. 11. ELIGIBILITY: - Captains (O-3s) only. - Captain (O-3) Selects are not eligible. - Members on any type of physical fitness assessment profile are not eligible. - Previous attendees are not eligible. Members can only attend IJOLD once in their career. - All other eligibility requirements as listed on page 4 of the RSSB Invitation to Apply are in force. NOTE: The prerequisite of attending JOLD and RODE prior to attending IJOLD no longer exists. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: - Captains who have already submitted their RSSB applications and wish to add IJOLD must forward their new prioritization of courses to the HQ ARPC Force Development team at: - Captains who choose to apply for IJOLD may solicit rater/senior rater comments endorsing their application for this course (to include a new rack/stack of applicant pool). If applicants choose to do so, raters/senior raters must forward their endorsements to the HQ ARPC Force Development team at: - Force Development will add the additional course selection for IJOLD to the members existing application as they prioritized. Any new rater/senior rater comments will be added to the application as well, provided it remains within the 1,500 character limit. - It is the members responsibility to ensure their chain of command is informed of their desire to add IJOLD to their RSSB application even if there are no new endorsements. - For Captains who have not submitted an RSSB application, standard vPC routing procedures as outlined in para 3 of the RSSB Invitation to Apply are in force. COURSE DESCRIPTION/LENGTH/LOCATION: This is an opportunity for your CGOs to strengthen their professional development by obtaining valuable tools and skills in leadership principles and practices in a joint environment, exchange ideas and learn about the military of other NATO countries. Length: 7 days. Location: Kaufbeuren, Bavaria. Questions can be directed to our Total Force Service Center at 210-565-0102 or DSN 665-0102.