WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- The harsh winter weather is no match for members of the 442d Fighter Wing, who participated in Exercise Ozark Thunder 25-01 over the weekend. The three-day wing-wide exercise officially began on Friday evening, January 10, 2025.
The wing was tasked with generating readiness packages for the 10 A-10 Thunderbolt II in 72 hours or less.
“Exercises validate everything,” said Lt. Col. Keith Yersak, the 442d Mission Support Group Commander. “From command and control to effective ready airmen training, exercises like this provide all involved the opportunity to work through live repetitions. We can learn from mistakes and work through challenges as a team. Most importantly, we get the opportunity to introduce roles and expectations to our newest airmen and young leaders.”
Although the exercise allowed 72 hours to generate the aircraft, all objectives were met within 48 hours. Upon generation, the aircraft were accepted by the operations group and flown to Nellis Air Force Base, NV on Monday, January 13, 2025, where they will be participating in additional training.
“Generating aircraft and the support elements needed to sustain them is what we do, and we do it remarkably well,” said Yersak. “No surprises here, our wing members delivered what we are known for - the ‘gold standard.' "
Airmen from the 442d Logistics Readiness Squadron contributed to this exercise by providing logistics and personnel functions, such as processing personnel and loading cargo and passengers onto the transport aircraft. A total of 82 passengers and 13 pallet positions were loaded onto a C-17 Globemaster III and a C-5 Galaxy aircraft. Another 47 airmen and 16 cargo increments were sent by ground transport.
“The remarkable work that was done this weekend provided measurable data that we as a wing are on track and can provide combat airpower with little to no notice,” said Yersak. “The results from this exercise reinforce that the 442d Fighter Wing is a premier force within the reserve command.”
Readiness exercises and training events continue to enhance the war fighting ability of the 442d Fighter Wing.