WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- “If Senior Master Sgt. Grant sees a unit struggling, or any of her Airmen, to include other units’ Airmen, she’s always the first to jump in and give them a hand,” said Master Sgt. Melody Yates, an operations manager with the 442d Civil Engineer Squadron.
Senior Master Sgt. Rachel Grant, superintendent of medical administration with the 442d Medical Squadron, is known for doing more than she’s asked and never asking for credit.
Grant currently fills an Air Reserve Technician position with the 442 CES, helping fix various programs. She balances her work, taking care of medical tasks early in the morning, CES tasks during the day, and finishing with more medical tasks in the evening.
“I love this wing,” said Grant. “I’ve been here since ’97, and I’ve lived in Minneapolis and Phoenix, but I always come back. This is my family. No matter what squadron it is, if one side is struggling, you want to try and help them as much as possible.”
Grant has also helped the Force Support Squadron in the past with their DD Form 214 backlog and bonuses.
“She goes and she finds programs that aren’t working and she fixes them,” said Lt. Col. Jill Blake, a medical administrator with the 442 Medical Squadron. “She’s always dependable, always there and always puts service well before self.”
Col. Roger Suro, the 442d Fighter Wing commander, coined Grant July 13, 2018, recognizing her for her hard work and help throughout the wing.