CSAF Statement on Wingman Conduct Published March 13, 2017 By Gen. David L. Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- People are the foundation of our Air Force. Our mutual support for each other is based on dignity, respect and trust ... a Wingman culture. As Wingmen we must continuously demonstrate courage and strength of character to do and say the right things, at the right times, to protect each other ... there is no other acceptable option. When Airmen fail to live up to our core values - Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do - the reputation of all who serve and have served is tarnished. These values apply to behavior on social media. Any conduct or participation in activities, whether online or offline, that does not adhere to these core values is NOT acceptable. From our newest airman basic to the chief of staff, we are all accountable for meeting ethical and performance standards in our actions. We should live our core values every day ... on and off duty. We must continuously conduct ourselves in a manner that brings credit to our nation and each other. Service in our Air Force is a higher calling and we carry this legacy forward for future generations of Airmen.